successful roulette game

The best strategies for a successful roulette game

Roulette is a popular game of chance, with success depending mainly on personal luck. Nevertheless, there are several tactics, the use of which significantly increases the chances of winning.

Identifying sequences

The first 4 spins of the roulette table are best skipped; you must first determine a winning pattern and decide what to bet on based on the outcome. For example, if you roll a red four times, it is advisable to bet on it on the fifth spin as well. In the case of a series of losses, it is better to wait and find a new pattern. Such a strategy is also relevant in combination with a progressive game: after winning the bet increases, and after losing – on the contrary.

A roll of three

This tactic involves working with 37 spins. When one of the numbers repeats twice, you will need to bet on it. If double repeats occur on more than one number, you can bet on each one. The essence of the strategy is the principle of 2/3, according to which the maximum roll of different numbers does not exceed 24.

Triple Repeat

In this tactic, you must first wager 55 spins and then bet on the sectors that appeared three times during the game. The round is considered over when one bet is fired after 55 spins.

Another variation of the triple approach tactic is to count repeating sectors with a maximum of 11 spins between them. If you manage to find such a number, you can bet on it 9 times in a row, and if the tactic proved to be a winning one, success should be secured by repeating the bets made in the same amount.

How to Use a Roulette Strategy

Searching for a straight

This tactic only works on blank spins. Betting is required in batches of 11 sectors each. It is desirable to start playing on a roll of 11 different numbers and bet on those that have not yet appeared.

Buffsetting tactics

Options for the duration of the round in this strategy:

The tactic would require you to place equal bets and keep an eye on the last result to remove the last 12 numbers. The remaining 24 sectors contain 4 sixlines or 8 straight, which are the ones you need to bet on. During the first 5 spins you must bet one on the sixlines, then during the first 6 spins bet as much on the straights and pairs, and then on the 18th spin bet on each sector.

“52 Euros”

You have to wait until the third dozen rolls and then place the first two identical bets, 20 euros each. If you win, the bets are duplicated, but their amounts must be reduced to €11. If you win again, you must also bet 17 euros on the first two dozen. After three wins, you can continue to play roulette at a new table.