Bingo board game

How to Play Bingo: A Comprehensive Guide

From the animated calls of “Bingo!” echoing in local community halls to the virtual realms of online casinos like Betclic Casino, Bingo is a game that transcends generations and borders. But what makes this game so universally beloved? Let’s dive into the world of Bingo, its history, and how you can join in on the fun!

Bingo History

Bingo’s origin can be traced back to Italy in the 16th century. Originally called “Il Gioco del Lotto d’Italia,” it was a popular lottery game that soon found its way to France, and then to other parts of Europe. By the 20th century, the game had reached the shores of North America, where it underwent some changes and got its current name, “Bingo.”

It wasn’t just a game for fun either. In the 1920s, a toy salesman named Edwin S. Lowe noticed the game’s potential for fundraising. He standardized the game, introduced pre-printed cards, and thus, the modern version of Bingo was born. This game has since been used for church fundraisers, community events, and, more recently, in the online gaming universe.

What is Bingo?

Bingo is essentially a game of chance. Players are given cards with a set of numbers, and as these numbers are randomly drawn and called out, players mark off the corresponding numbers on their cards. The objective is simple: be the first to form a predetermined pattern (like a straight line or full card) with the marked numbers and shout “Bingo!”

Types of Bingo

There’s more to Bingo than just the standard game you might be familiar with. Different variants have emerged over time, adapting to cultural preferences and technological advancements:

75-ball Bingo: Popular in North America, players are given a 5×5 grid card. Each column corresponds to a letter from the word “BINGO.” The central square is usually a free space.

90-ball Bingo: A favorite in the UK and parts of Europe. Players get a 9×3 card. The goal can range from marking off one line of numbers to marking off all 15 numbers.

80-ball Bingo: Designed for online players, this variation uses a 4×4 card. Different patterns, ranging from single lines to squares, are used.

30-ball Bingo: A quick version, ideal for online gamers who prefer a fast-paced game. Uses a 3×3 grid, and the winner is the first to mark off all 9 numbers.

Online game Bingo

How to Play Bingo

  1. Get a Card: Whether you’re in a physical location or playing at an online casino like Betclic, the first step is to get a Bingo card.
  2. Listen or Watch for Numbers: Numbers will be randomly drawn. In physical settings, a caller will announce them. Online, they’ll be displayed on your screen.
  3. Mark the Numbers: As each number is called, mark it on your card if you have it. Online platforms usually offer an “auto-dab” feature, where the computer marks the numbers for you.
  4. Know the Winning Pattern: Before the game starts, familiarize yourself with the winning pattern. It could be a single line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal), a full house (all numbers), or other patterns like the four corners.
  5. Call Out Bingo: If you’ve completed the pattern, shout “Bingo!” In an online setting, simply click the ‘Bingo’ button. But be quick! You need to claim before someone else does.
  6. Verify Your Win: In most settings, your card will be checked to ensure the win is valid. Online platforms do this automatically.
  7. Enjoy & Play Responsibly: Bingo is fun, but remember always to play responsibly. Set limits for yourself and stick to them.


Bingo is more than just a game; it’s a cultural phenomenon that brings people together, whether in community halls or online platforms like Betclic. Now equipped with the knowledge of its history, its different types, and how to play, you’re all set to join the legions of Bingo enthusiasts worldwide. So, grab your card and get ready to shout “Bingo!”